Bounce Back from Weekend Overeating: 4 Immediate Steps to Support Yourself Today

Had a weekend of overindulgence? It's a common experience, but it's crucial to know how to bounce back effectively. This blog post reveals four practical and immediate steps you can take today to counteract the effects of weekend overeating. I've been there too, and I'm here to help guide you through it.

I know you want to eat less to "make up for it"

I know you want to get yourself "back on track” and be "good" again.

But all this is doing is keeping you stuck in cycles of yo-yo dieting. To break this cycle, you need to start responding to overeating episodes in a slightly different way by meeting yourself with COMPASSION and choosing NOURISHMENT over deprivation.

1. Eat Breakfast This Morning

I know you want to "make up" for the damage by skipping breakfast this morning, but this will only increase your chances of overeating later in the day.

2. Eat Regularly Throughout the Day

Keeping your body adequately fed throughout the day and avoiding excessive feelings of hunger will allow you to remain mindful of your food choices. Aim to eat every 3-4 hrs. Have 3 satisfying & balanced meals with 1-2 snacks.

3. Break Out of That Restrictive Mindset

Instead of thinking, "How can I get back on track & what can I restrict?" ask yourself, "What can I ADD into my diet today to nourish my body?"

4. Reflect on It

You probably just want to draw a line under it and move on, but if you don't understand the WHY behind the overeating, then you can't replace the overeating with something that may serve you better. Think about how you felt before you overate. What do you think you actually needed in that moment? What was going on for you? Start trying to understand the root cause of the behavior instead of just trying to get rid of it by restricting even harder.

If you resonate with this, if the cycle of Monday morning guilt feels all too familiar, you're exactly the person I aim to support.

I understand how overwhelming and frustrating it can be to navigate these challenges alone. That's why I'm super passionate about offering personalized guidance through 1:1 online coaching sessions. In these sessions, we'll work together to create a plan uniquely tailored to meet your individual goals. We'll explore strategies that fit your lifestyle, address your specific challenges, and set you on a path to a healthier, more balanced relationship with food.

Don't let another week pass feeling stuck in the same cycle. Contact me today, and let's start your journey towards sustainable, positive change. Together, we can transform your approach to eating and build habits that support your well-being in the long term.


4 reasons you’re overeating at weekends