4 reasons you’re overeating at weekends

Weekends often transform our eating habits, sometimes leading to overindulgence. In this blog post, we'll explore four common reasons behind weekend overeating. From social gatherings to stress release, these insights might help you identify your own patterns and make healthier choices. Let's dive into these weekend dynamics!

You're overly restrictive Mon-Fri

You've been really "good" all week by avoiding all the "bad" foods but now its the weekend and you're really craving a "treat". So you have a "treat" but then the flood gates open and you end up overeating.

You have zero structure or routine

You function like clockwork Mon-Fri but over the weekend you're all over the place. You go to bed later, you wake up later, you've run out of healthy foods and now the fridge is empty, you have more time on your hands. This lack of structure and organisation can lead to mindless overeating.

You "save" calories for social occasions

You eat very little in the day to "save up" calories for your meal out with friends in the evening. But then you arrive at the meal feeling SO hungry that its then very difficult to eat mindfully (especially when the drinks are flowing!) You leave the restaurant feeling overly full and guilty.

You haven't been aware of how you've been feeling throughout the week

You've been so busy at work Mon-Fri that you haven't taken the time to stop and think about how you've been feeling. You finally stop at the weekend and suddenly you're confronted with all these uncomfortable emotions. But rather than letting yourself feel these emotions you use food to supress and distract yourself from them.

In conclusion, recognizing and managing weekend overeating habits is key to a healthier lifestyle. If you're struggling to make these changes alone, consider reaching out for personalized 1:1 online coaching. Together, we can tailor a plan that works for you.


Bounce Back from Weekend Overeating: 4 Immediate Steps to Support Yourself Today


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