How to break the cycle of holiday overindulgence and January resets

My client used to feel the need to get all the Christmas foods out of the house so she could "wipe the slate clean" on Jan 1st. She'd spend the Christmas week "cramming it all in" before starting afresh on New Years Day. This is the first year in ages that she hasn't felt the need to do this.

Here’s what she said:

Here’s how she achieved this:

She's learnt about nutrition and has worked hard to undo all the diet culture BS which had created feelings of restriction and food fears.

She's learnt that no foods are inherently "good" or "bad" and that ALL foods can be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
She's learnt that she can enjoy her favourite foods on a DAILY basis without it impacting her body composition. This client has just come to the end of successful fat loss phase whilst enjoying chocolate pretty much everyday.

We addressed her emotional eating

She felt it was too "risky" to have these festive foods in the house because she knew that if she was to have a bad day she'd turn to these foods for comfort. We practised lots of emotional regulation techniques and over time she's realised that she could trust herself around these foods because she's no longer relied on them to sooth her emotions.

As I've navigated my own journey of breaking this cycle, I've gathered insights that I'm eager to share. If you're ready to step out of the holiday overindulgence and January reset loop, contact me. My 1:1 online coaching could be the key to your sustained wellness journey.


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